Monday, December 14, 2020

different brain development

traditional development is shuffled around.   aspergers feel the same but expressing and assimilating is on a different timeline from common people.  the conscious connection is lagging behind.  babies get frustrated when they know what they want and haven't the vocabulary to express the desire.  children and adults too but more quietly and sometimes hiding the desire.   

aspergers being literal can't lie.  are physically incapable.  when i was 8 i tried to lie and my stomach got upset.  the discomfort wasn't worth it.  my sisters lied all the time.  probably the biggest difference between aspies and common.  lies change physiology chemically.  lies are an insult to the body.

the ultimate lie detector.  my family of liars threatened my very existence.  my physical well being was constantly being compromised.  covid isolation has allowed me to thrive.  there are very few truth tellers.

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