Friday, November 25, 2022

best thnx giving ever adding the w+hole=whole

i took my time hot tub water up to my chin 102 degrees perfect.  went $tree 2 cool whip for first presbyterian 11:30 lunch.  walter waved me over to his table lovely buffet food supportive company.  mash gravy turkey salad mac cheese sweet corn rolls butter  

i'm actually glad to feel alive.  aspergers autism is all about feeling.  we can't verbalize the connections that haven't developed language.  like trying to describe the colors in a rainbow to a blind person.  70 years to connect.

Friday, November 18, 2022


are all about being ready for the winter.  i was remembering mom canning tomatoes, cherries etc. for the winter.  food wasn't as cheap until mass production.  

now that i have friends my soul feel safe enough to relax and release all the horror.  i'm processing so much pain, loss, soul destroying pain.

finally all connections are complete and i can feel 100 %.