i returned cinemability, generation A, autism: a family's journey. they get so much wrong. accurate that each is unique. like each snowflake is different. infinite variety. 18 month brain body development connections expressing emotions last connection. we feel them without being able to express them. we can be trained cognitively purposefully. hopefully without abuse. gently.
water softener warning light flashing set off ptsd panic. chemicals cascading through my body. cortisol, adrenaline, etc. mom and dad always had a meltdown rending and tearing at anyone around them. my sisters were better at running and hiding while i was the deer caught in the headlights so i was constantly blamed for their unhappiness. they never matured to deal with their feelings. autistic or stunted emotional development. what matters is me now.
i took care of buying the cleaner expeditiously. and i realized going to home depot with all the new things triggers my autism. overload. tilt.
i'm more integrated, more me than i've ever been before.
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