Saturday, August 31, 2024

Thomas Szasz

EMERITUS, Syracuse, New York.  revolutionized thinking.

Barry Kauffman may have used Dr Szasz' expertise to connect Barry's son Raun to this world.  but wait.  there have been other documentary evidence that autism is a shift in developmental stages.  the timing is different.  I had to wait until a senior to feel fully connected to my emotions and learned how to manage my energy.  

and i'm still learning.  maybe slowing down is the only way I would notice.  so every little setback is a sign post.   Edgar Cayce called it stumbling blocks into stepping stones.  

I remember a lot.  I define intelligence as re configuring information to invent something new.


Friday, August 30, 2024

10/12/24 comic con cosplay-my prerogative

I'm 73 and everyday is cosplay for me.  I can do what I want in exchange for being old.  I've been spelling prerogative wrong 'til now.  hah!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I'm feeling angry

Alien made mom feel guilty for spending "our inheritance" then took her to an audiologist for $5 k when mom and I had no problems.  I told mom she earned it she should spend it.  she reminded me Alien and mitt needed it.  I told mom if we couldn't manage as adults that money wouldn't help.  I always had to be the same logical adult while they ran rampant.  

and being attention deficit on to something better.   I thank God.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

aspies perception of the universe

Shakespeare was accurate.  the universe is within.  how did he know?  maybe aspies are a throwback to nomads.  to quote swami beyondananda "I no mad at you, you no mad at me."  we have a different perception of ownership.  I am owned by my house, car, body, things.  I'm responsible for caring for these things.  they own me I don't own them unless I can walk away from them.  like in Harold and Maude she throws the engagement ring into the bay so she'll always know where it is.  

with unlimited funds i'd live in a retirement community and be chauffeured everywhere.  own the minimum.  be free.  

I love that everyone gets to be their favorite rock star.  my childhood everyone was required to look talk, be part of the herd.  no room for individuals.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Barry Kauffman Son-Rise

my first contact with autism through Clyde Burton.  Option Institute.  Raun Kauffman.  Dr Thomas Szasz.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

content or content

oh, I make myself laugh.  I'm remembering Anne Bancroft in a skit singing "you like tomatoes and I like tomatoes.  Let's call the whole thing off."   content-the underlying material or content-a sense of satisfaction.  to be content with the content.  i.e. I'm perfect the way I am.

Monday, August 19, 2024

diabetics torture themselves with food

food issues are the toughest.  we have to eat to live.  anorexia bulimia are control issues.  someone used food to torture them and they go on to torture themselves.  I know so many diabetics with food issues.  skipping meals, eating late, sneaking treats, weight concerns, doing everything backwards.

new book i'm studying adult survivors of toxic family members.  parents teach siblings to continue the abuse.  page 21 explains so much; familiar lies are comforting and impart a false sense of safety.  I'm putting the human puzzle together.  only took 73 years.