Wednesday, July 20, 2022

autism gives an unique perspective

to be in the world and not of it.  i'm feeling tired full of toxins and yet content.  it's been 6 months non nicotine and new behaviors.  the toxins are leaching from my tissues and i'm missing the nicotine.  autism a*d*d makes it hard to stay addicted.  i keep forgetting.  comes and goes like the tide.  

an hour to lunch.  the lucky's friday freebie 'perfect bar' is honey 24% and almond butter.

Friday, July 15, 2022

100 million neurons

i can read and love learning new facts.  the stomach brain is so much smarter and more dependable than the head brain.  the stomach is more reliable probably because it's older than the head brain.  the head brain can rationalize and be wrong.  

lying is powerful.  

Trump uses lies and emotions to short circuit both brains.  CONTROL.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

The End of Mental Illness-Daniel G Amen Md.

pg. 152 fear conditioning in mice 2 generation genetic impact.  the feelings you feel may not be your own.  could be genetic program.  genes are loaded gun behaviors and life choices are the trigger.  

COPS-California Occupational Personality Survey didn't take into account autism obsession suggested researcher.  i do love learning.