Monday, June 6, 2022

i'm becoming happier

takes a lot of disciplined focused energy.  the most effective is teaching myself new thinking.  letting go of the past.  listening to subliminal healing music.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

oh i make myself laugh

i went to cup library last day to pick up requested "dreamer".  i stuck face cloth in swim suit bra to cool down and forgot it until i wanted to wash my face.  here for hours.  

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

autism gives perspective

we are the perfect scientists with an unique perspective.  the body feelings are integrated into the human experience.  like a guru i can experience the pain i endure without flinching.  as if i have a veil i can draw across distancing the sharpness the pain is still intense.  

1966 open heart surgery to correct a genetic defect the tube in my lungs to drain fluids didn't hurt except when the nurse ripped it from my body without anesthetic.  now my ribs are sore.  when i focus on the pain the body remembers.  muscle memory that drives the car and brushes our teeth is hard wired.  1972 fall muscle spasms left side hip leg take my breath away and feeling nauseous.