that don't present in an obvious fashion. mostly internally. watch our eyes. but then no one thinks to ask and usually without a reference point we can't describe what and how we feel. today i feel like butterflies. part of me in a cocoon and part of me fluttering. so many of my idiosyncrasies are autism related. i relate to the world as a part of the whole. less ego. the masses relate to strong egos. Hitler and trump. the pack leader mentality. that's why a beaten Germany followed Hitler. weak fear based egos looking for reassuring strength. Adolph made them feel safe by telling them what they wanted to hear. same as Donald. it has nothing to do with the message. it's the delivery. Jim Jones town massacre. Waco, Texas. over and over.
our brain connections develop in a different time schedule. i think that's why left to our own devices with minimum interference coercion we eventually sync up with civilization. at least that's what i've noticed studying different cases and reading autobiographies. Asperger's autism is evolutionary mutation searching for the next form of human kind. being able to freshly see without prejudice.
we're energy sensitive. prey animals have heightened receptors or get eaten. we survive by trying to stay invisible. probably why human prey have poor social skills and personal hygiene issues to avoid contact with predators. to discourage interacting. to appear less attractive. to fade into the woodwork. i think most homeless people and pioneers fit into the bill. there used to be new worlds, places to go to carve out a niche for misfits. the innovators, explorers.
that explains the space race. i couldn't understand spending billions not on hunger, disease, suffering. seemed misplaced. that fear of killing the earth and having no where to go. and the majority are intent on destroying the planet. at least 60%.
homeless encampments are other thinking people. 'the nomad life. i no mad at you. you no mad at me.' swami beyond ananda. they're not into acquiring and owning. they know life is temporary. they know the planet is on loan. the american indians know the earth belongs to the children and adults are stewards.