i can use all the art supplies for my stories. i can do cartoons. all those ever sharp mechanical pencils i never used will come in handy. never knew where they came from. god i guess.
i love it when what i'm doing suddenly makes sense. my mom used to accuse me of how i knew when i really didn't. i just bumble along. now the barn bee makes sense too. bored holes in dad's front house add on.
free association. personal brain storming. my autistic brain naturally defaults to free.
toasted senior sandwich added pickled onions, lettuce,mustard. went to busy dollar store then senior park late. spotty internet reception on to main 'til 5. put everything away.
i cooked linguine sesame oil seeds amino, meatloaf and salad. called cathy thanked her for her mom's memorial. nice chat. paid disc. sorted plastic bags, thought about yard, read and watched 'columbo'.
fun day. i think i like being retired.